Student Resources

Commonly used Undergraduate Resources: 

  • Career Center: Wherever you are in your academic career – freshman through PhD – the Career Center can help you in choosing a major; exploring different career options; finding internships or part-time or full-time employment; and preparing for graduate, law, or medical school.
  • Exchange Programs with Other Universities: Exchange programs available at the graduate level include UC system intercampus, Berkeley-Stanford, and the Exchange Scholar program.

  • Graduate Forms and Applications: Online access to academic advancement applications, petitions, appeals, and forms required by the Graduate Division.
  • Graduate School: This site is filled with useful information about the graduate school process from choosing a program to writing the statement of purpose. This is an extremely useful site for those thinking about graduate school whether at Cal or elsewhere.
  • Mentoring Opportunities: Unique to Berkeley, the innovative SMART program (Student Mentoring and Research Teams) engages doctoral students in creating mentored research opportunities for undergraduate students at UC Berkeley. This program is designed to broaden the professional development of doctoral candidates and to foster research skills and paths to advanced studies for undergraduates. Graduate and undergraduate students involved in the program receive stipends for their research efforts.  Additionally, Comparative Literature has brought back the internal departmental mentoring program that connects CL undergrads and grads on a one-on-one basis; look for the next round of applications for Fall 2018.
  • Scholarship Connection: UC Berkeley’s clearinghouse for information on scholarships that are funded by sources outside the University.
  • Support for Student Parents: Student parents make up about 10% of Berkeley’s graduate population. Berkeley is committed to supporting policies, programs, and services to help them meet their family care obligations while they pursue their academic goals.