Robert Alter (Ph.D., Harvard University) teaches courses on the 19th-century European and American novel, on modernism, and on literary aspects of the Bible, and he also teaches and writes on modern Hebrew literature. His publications range from critical biography (Stendhal) to literary theory (The Pleasures of Reading in an Ideological Age) to two recent volumes of Bible translation accompanied by literary commentary —The Book of Psalms, and The Wisdom Books. His two most recent books are Pen of Iron: American Prose and the King James Bible (Princeton,...
Mohamed Wajdi Ben Hammed is Assistant Professor of Arabic Literature and Islamic Culture in the Department of Comparative Literature. He obtained his B.A. in 2009 from the University of Tunis and his Master’s from the University of Notre Dame in 2016. In 2022, he completed his Ph.D. in the Department of Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies and the Institute of Comparative Literature and Society at Columbia University.
Ben Hammed works on modern Arabic literature and thought, with particular interest in questions of time concepts and temporality, receptions of the...
Belén Bistué completed her undergraduate program in Spanish and Classics at Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, in Argentina, and she received her Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from UC Davis. She worked for ten years as Tenured Researcher for the Argentine Research Council (CONICET) at the Comparative Literature Center of Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, where she also taught English and Comparative Literature. Her research focuses on collaborative and multilingual translation techniques used in Europe during the late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period. She pays special attention to the...
Karl Britto is jointly appointed in the Departments of French and Comparative Literature. He is a recipient of the Distinguished Teaching Award, the Berkeley campus's highest honor for teaching, and is currently serving as Associate Dean of Arts & Humanities. (Ph.D., Yale University)
Judith Butler is Distinguished Professor in the Graduate School and former Maxine Elliot Professor in the Department of Comparative Literature and the Program of Critical Theory at the University of California, Berkeley. They served as Founding Director of the Critical Theory Program as well as the International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs at UC Berkeley, funded by the Andrew Mellon Foundation. They received theirPh.D. in Philosophy from Yale University in 1984.
Books include Subjects of Desire: Hegelian Reflections in Twentieth-Century France (1987), Gender...
Languages: French, Spanish, Portuguese Periods: 20th and 21st Century francophone African and Central American literatures Academic Area: Feminism, Affect, Postcolonial Theory
Anthony J. Cascardi works on literature and philosophy, aesthetic theory, and early modern literature, with an emphasis on Spanish, English, and French. He teaches courses on literature and philosophy, aesthetic theory and the early modern period. Most recently he published Cervantes, Literature, and the Discourse of Politics and the Cambridge Introduction to Literature and Philosophy. His new book is Francisco de Goya: Art of Critique (forthcoming from Zone Books). (Ph.D., Harvard University).
Professor Cascardi served for ten years as the Dean of Arts...
Languages: Italian, English, Arabic (Modern Standard Arabic), French Book Review Lives of the Great Languages: Arabic and Latin in the Medieval Mediterranean (Karla Mallette), Interdisciplinary Studies on the Mediterranean, Vol. 2 (2023): 131-133.
Anne-Lise François works in the modern period, comparative romanticisms; lyric poetry; the psychological novel and novel of manners; gender and critical theory; literature and philosophy; and ecocriticism. Her book – Open Secrets: The Literature of Uncounted Experience (Stanford University Press, 2008) –was awarded the 2010 René Wellek Prize by the American Comparative Literature Association. A study of the ethos of affirmative reticence and recessive action found in the fiction of Mme de Lafayette and Jane Austen, and the poetry of William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson and Thomas...
Languages: English, Spanish, French Periods: 19th and 20th centuries Academic Area: Novel theory, Latin American studies, Fascism and totalitarianism, Self-help and literature, Masculinity studies, Postcolonialism
Timothy Hampton works on Renaissance and early modern European culture, in both English and the Romance languages. His research and teaching involve the relationship between politics and culture, and focus on such issues as the ideology of literary genre, the literary construction of nationhood, and the rhetoric of historiography. He regularly teaches courses on the early modern period, on travel literature, on the Baroque, on historiography, on lyric. He works on Montaigne, Tasso, Cervantes, Rabelais, Corneille, Lafayette, Shakespeare, Camões, Rimbaud, and Bob Dylan, among other authors....
Office Hours: Mondays 3-5pm, Dwinelle 4414 Languages: English, Japanese, Persian (Farsi) Periods: 20th Century Academic Area: Performance Studies; Queer Theory; Cultural and Postcolonial Studies; Race and Performance; the musical