Welcome message from Niklaus

Dear students, staff, ... lecturers, and faculty colleagues,

It has been a strange summer. I hope that everyone has made the most of their extended time at home, and that it was at least a little productive and also somewhat restful in spite of all the challenges.

I would like to offer a remote, but very warm, welcome to our new graduate studentsCole Carvour, Landon Kramer, Madeleine Kresin, Tom Maude-Griffin, and Madeline Zimring.

I also want to offer a warm welcome to our new faculty colleague, Beth Piatote, and to Karina Palau, who is now our R&C coordinator.

We are delighted that they are joining our program, and I want to encourage all of us to provide a most welcoming environment (mostly on Zoom, but nevertheless!).

I also want to thank all of you, particularly our GSIs and Karina Palau, for the efforts made in order to be ready to teach on Zoom! I know it is not easy and I want to offer my support if you need it. Please, let me know if that is the case.

These are difficult times all around. Let us be kind to each other and supportive of our work here.

With my best wishes for a successful, stimulating, and healthy year,
