Topics in Modern Greek Literature

Topics in Modern Greek Literature

Shifting Moralities: Ethical Conduct and its Contexts in 19th and 20th Century Greek Fiction
Course Number: 
Course Type or Level: 
Maria Kotzamanidou
125 Dwinelle

In this course we will examine the various forms of ethical behavior in Modern Greek fiction which lead to valuations of “right (good) or wrong (bad)” actions, intensions, or decisions. We will distinguish the differences between ethics and morality and we will examine the philosophies, cultural or religious, that provide the ethical systems against which such actions are measured. What does the author intend to communicate to the reader as a result of such valuations? What are their political implications? We will also examine the ways with which these contexts are effected by the continually changing Greek historical realities, Greek efforts toward westernization, exposure to foreign literatures through translations, and social necessities.

All Greek Material is available in English translation.

History, theory and criticism are in English.

Films are in English or with English subtitles

No Prerequisite