Topics in Modern Greek Literature

Topics in Modern Greek Literature

Outside the Norm: History, Culture and Deviant Women in Modern Greek Fiction
Course Number: 
Course Type or Level: 
Maria Kotzamanidou
125 Dwinelle

This course focuses on the examination of female deviance from the accepted standards of society in terms of attitude and behavior. This course examines representations of deviance and the violation of the norms (social, cultural, gender, biological) by central female characters in 19thand 20th century Modern Greek fiction. By accepting these literary texts as cultural texts, and by placing them in their historical context, this course also examines how these powerful, polysemic characters are associated not only with literal but also with mythological levels of meaning. As Greek society shifts its focus from the community to the individual, the creation of these voices appears to echo the authors’ own concerns regarding the death of national ideologies, the disunity of the nation and the traumas of its modernization.

All Greek materials for the Course are available in English translation.

Foreign Films are subtitled.