Those Who Can, Teach

Those Who Can, Teach

Course Number: 
Course Type or Level: 
S. Herbold
W 12-2, F 1-2
233 Dwinelle

The purpose of this course is to introduce new GSIs to the theory and practice of teaching Comparative Literature 1A and 1B (and other courses taught by Comp Lit GSI’s).  More generally, the course will help you prepare for a career as a college teacher of literature and for the teaching component of job applications. This course is a 4-unit, S/U class.

Nearly every week, we will read one or more articles by experienced scholars and teachers and evaluate how their perspectives can inform our practice. We will also make time to talk about how your classes are going and share suggestions on how to improve teaching skills. Each week individual students will initiate discussion of the reading by giving a short oral response to it. Several times during the semester, experienced GSI’s in the department will share with you some of their favorite techniques.

Course Requirements:

Participants will be asked to do brief-in class presentations and write and hand a teaching journal and regular writing assignments. Attendance is also required.


Course Reader, available at Copy Central, 2560 Bancroft Way