The Modern Period

The Modern Period

Literature & Colonialism
Course Number: 
Course Catalog Number: 
Course Type or Level: 
Karl Britto
83 Dwinelle

In this course we will read a number of literary texts set in colonized territories, largely though not entirely under French domination. Dating from the turn of the twentieth century to the period of widespread decolonization a half-century later, these texts represent a variety of forms and genres (adventure novels, autobiographical fiction, philosophical novels, political denunciation and/or satire) and emerge out of a number of different cultural situations and geographic locations (including Southeast Asia, North Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa). Some of the authors to be considered are firmly enshrined in the canon of modern European literature, while others write as colonized subjects engaging with European histories of exoticist representation. In our discussions, we will consider the historical specificity of each text while remaining open to insights made possible by reading comparatively. In other words, our goal will not be to synthesize a monolithic theory of literature and colonialism but rather to analyze individual texts while attempting to be attentive to common textual strategies, formal elements, and practices of representing colonial space, dynamics of power, and variously configured articulations of domination and resistance, civilization and savagery, modernity and tradition. Readings will likely include: Beti, Mission to Kala; Camus, The Stranger; Conrad, Heart of Darkness; Djebar, Children of the New World; Duras, A Sea of Troubles; Malraux, The Royal Way; Oyono, The Old Man and the Medal.