The Craft of Critical Writing

The Craft of Critical Writing

How to Write a Book
Course Number: 
256 (Combined with English 250)
Course Type or Level: 
Victoria Kahn
4104 Dwinelle

Did you ever wonder how other people get their work done? Or what great ideas look like and where they come from? Are you curious about the best strategies and habits for clear, forceful, and engaging writing? This seminar about writing and publishing is for you. You must have a seminar paper that you wish to revise in the course of the semester. You must also commit to sending your revised essay out for review by a journal at the end of the fall. The vast majority of our time will be spent discussing the written work of the seminar members. We will also read and discuss some important articles in the fields of English and Comparative Literature and analyze how and why they work. There will be a number of guest visits by Berkeley faculty who will discuss their writing habits and their own work in progress. Enrollment is limited to 12 students.