Aesthetics as Critique

Aesthetics as Critique

Marxian Aesthetics, Literary Theory and Criticism: Some Classic Texts
Course Number: 
C221 (combined with Rhetoric C221 and Critical Theory 240)
Course Type or Level: 
Robert Kaufman
210 Dwinelle

This Ph.D. seminar will reconsider some classic, highly influential texts within Marxian thought that virtually take for granted–or at least take extraordinarily seriously–the existence, and the importance to critical thought and agency–of a distinct mode of human experience and activity known as the aesthetic. Though our readings will engage various arts and cultural practices, they will emphasize literary art. The classic texts we’ll read will include writings by Kant, Hegel, Marx and Engels, Luxemburg, Lukács, Du Bois, Brecht, Benjamin, Adorno, Horkheimer, Sartre, Beauvoir, Raymond Williams, and Jameson. Time permitting, we’ll also try to look briefly at (or at least gesture toward) aesthetics-focused texts by Percy Shelley, Heine, Lenin, Trotsky, Gramsci, Korsch, Mariátegui, Kracauer, Bloch, Marcuse, and Althusser.