PhD candidate Haley Stewart has... been awarded a Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship to do six months of research in Bolivia and Chile. Haley’s dissertation, a comparative project sitting at the intersection of memory studies, environmental humanities and media studies, examines Bolivian and Chilean forms of memory culture from the 1970s onwards that draw on material philosophies and cosmologies of Western, Andean and Aymara origin in order to re-frame specific periods of political and colonial violence in these nations’ histories. During the six months she will spend in Bolivia and Chile, she will be doing archival research, participating in research colloquiums at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, the interdisciplinary research center CIDOC at the Universidad Finis Terrae and the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, and engaging with the contemporary artistic and literary scenes of Santiago and La Paz.